22 de outubro de 2016


Royston "Rainy" Wainwright
Anthony "Bones" Roberts
Jeffery "J.J." Janik
David "Proper" Caution

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 1997- 1977

01 - I Don't Care
02 - Sweet Suburban Dreams
03 - Living In The City
04 - Acne
05 - Dead Babies
06 - Pigs
07 - Under My Feet
08 - No Time For Romance
09 - No Future

  Fight Back - EP


01 - Fight Back
02 - Wars No Fairytale
03 - Always Restrictions
04 - You Take Part In Creating The
05 - Religion Instigates

 Realities Of War - EP


01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victims

Decontrol - EP


01 - Decontrol
02 - It's No TV Scetch
03 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us

Never Again - EP


01 - Never Again
02 - Death Dealers
03 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles



01 - Visions Of War
02 - Does This System Work
03 - A Look At Tomorrow
04 - Why?
05 - Maimed And Slaughtered
06 - Mania For Conquest
07 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
08 - Is This To Be
09 - Massacre Of Innocents
10 - Why Reprise
11 - Realities Of War
12 - They Declare It
13 - But After The Gig
14 - Society's Victim
15 - Fight Back
16 - War's No Fairytale
17 - Always Restrictions
18 - You Take Part In Creating This System
19 - Religion Instigates
20 - Decontrol
21 - It's No TV Sketch
22 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us

State Violence State Control - EP


01 - State Violence State Control
02 - Doomsday

Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing


01 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
02 - The Nightmare Continues
03 - The Final Blood Bath
04 - Protest And Survive
05 - I Won't Subscribe
06 - Drunk With Power
07 - Meanwhile
08 - A Hell On Earth
09 - Cries Of Help
10 - The Possibility Of Lifes Destruction
11 - Q: And Children A: And Children
12 - The Blood Runs Red
13 - Free Speech For The Dumb
14 - The End

Warning: - Her Majestys Government Can Seriously Damage Your 


01 - Warning
02 - Where There Is A Will There Is A Way
03 - In Defence Of Our Future
04 - Anger Burning

The Price Of Silence Single/Born To Die In The Gutter


01 - The Price Of Silence
02 - Born To Die In The Gutter

The More I See EP


01 - The More I See
02 - Protest And Survive
03 - The More I See (Extended Version)

Never Again


01 - Warning
02 - Never Again
03 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
04 - The Nightmare Continues
05 - Where There Is A Will
06 - Drunk With Power
07 - The Final Blood Bath
08 - Anger Burning
09 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
10 - The Price Of Silence
11 - Protest And Survive
12 - Born To Die In The Gutter
13 - Doomsday
14 - The More I See
15 - State Violence/State Control
16 - In Defence Of Our Future
17 - Decontrol

Ignorance EP


01 - Ignorance
02 - No Compromise
03 - Ignorance (Extended Version)


Massacre Divine


01 - City Of Fear
02 - F.E.D.
03 - Lost Tribe Rising
04 - Challenge Terror
05 - White Knuckle Ride
06 - New Age
07 - Terror Police
08 - Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
09 - Sexplosion
10 - Dying Time
11 - E# 2.30
12 - F.E.D.(F2 Mix)
13 - Terror Police (F2 Mix)


Protest And Survive 1980-1984



CD 01:
01 - Never Again
02 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
03 - The Nightmare Continues
04 - Realities Of War
05 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Anger Burning
08 - Hell On Earth
09 - Cries Of Help
10 - Possibilities Of Lifes Destruction
11 - Visions Of War
12 - Stockpiles
13 - The More I See
14 - Look At Tomorrow
15 - Societys Victim 

01 - Protest And Survive
02 - Death Dealers
03 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
04 - Final Blood Bath
05 - Is This To Be
06 - Price Of Silence
07 - Fight Back
08 - Doomsday
09 - Why?
10 - Drunk With Power
11 - Religion Instigates
12 - Warning
13 - Massacre Of Innocence
14 - State Violence
15 - Decontrol

Shootin' Up The World


01 - Down And Dirty
02 - Exiled In Hell
03 - Fantasy Overload
04 - Leaders-Deceivers
05 - Lost In You
06 - Manson Child
07 - Never Come To Care
08 - Psycho Active
09 - Real Life Snuff
10 - Shootin' Up The World

Visions Of War



CD 01: 
01 - Realities Of War
02 - Fight Back
03 - War's No Fairytale
04 - Decontrol
05 - It's No TV Sketch
06 - Warning
07 - Anger Burning
08 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
09 - The Nightmare Continues
10 - Protest & Survive
11 - I Won't Subscribe
12 - The Blood Runs Red
13 - Never Again
14 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
15 - Why?
16 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
17 - Visions Of War
18 - Does This System Work 

CD 02: 
01 - Manson Child
02 - Lost In You
03 - Shootin' Up The World
04 - Psycho Active
05 - Leaders/Deceivers
06 - Fantasy Overload
07 - Down And Dirty
08 - Never Come To Care
09 - Real Life Snuff
10 - Exiled In Hell
11 - City Of Fear
12 - F.E.D.
13 - Lost Tribe Rising
14 - Challenge Terror
15 - New Age
16 - Terror Police
17 - Sexplosion
18 - Dying Time

Hardcore Hits


01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - Fight Back
04 - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
05 - Protest And Survive
06 - Decontrol
07 - Tomorrow Bleongs To Us
08 - Never Again
09 - The Nightmare Continues
10 - Drunk With Power
11 - Why?
12 - Does This Systems Work
13 - A Look At Tomorrow
14 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
15 - State Violence State Control
16 - The Price Of Silence
17 - The More I See
18 - Ignorance

Anthology - Free Speech For The Dumb



CD 01: 
01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Always Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating The System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Visions Of War
11 - Does The System Work
12 - A Look At Tomorrow
13 - Why?
14 - Maimed And Slaughtered
15 - Mania For Conquest
16 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
17 - Is This To Be
18 - Massacre Of Innocents
19 - Why? (Reprise)
20 - Decontrol  

CD 02: 
01 - It's No TV Sketch
02 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
03 - Never Again
04 - Death Dealers
05 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
06 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
07 - The Nightmare Continues
08 - The Final Bloodbath
09 - Protest And Survive
10 - I Won't Subscribe
11 - Drunk With Power
12 - Meanwhile
13 - A Hell On Earth
14 - Cries Of Help
15 - The Possibility Of Life's Destruction
16 - Q: And Children A: And Children
17 - The Blood Runs Red
18 - Free Speech For The Dumb
19 - The End
20 - State Violence / State Control

The Clay Punk Singles Collection


01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Always Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating This System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Decontrol
11 - It's No T.V. Scetch
12 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
13 - Never Again
14 - Death Dealers
15 - Two Monsterous Nuclear Stockpiles
16 - State Violence State Control
17 - Dooms' Day
18 - Warning
19 - Where This Is A Will
20 - In Defence Of Our Future
21 - Anger Burning
22 - The Price Of Silence
23 - Born to Die In The Gutter
24 - The More I See You
25 - Protest And Survive
26 - Ignorance
27 - No Compromise

Decontrol: The Singles



CD 01: 
01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Always Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating The System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Decontrol
11 - It's No T.V. Sketch
12 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
13 - Visions Of War
14 - Does This System Work
15 - A Look Of Tomorrow
16 - Why?
17 - Maimed And Slaughtered
18 - Mania For Conquest
19 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
20 - Is This To Be
21 - Massacre Of Innocents (Air Attack)
22 - Why? (Reprise) 

CD 02: 
01 - Never Again
02 - Death Dealers
03 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
04 - State Violence State Control
05 - Doomsday
06 - Warning
07 - Where There's A Will There's A Way
08 - In Defence Of Our Future
09 - Anger Burning
10 - The Price Of Silence
11 - Born To Die In The Gutter
12 - The More I See
13 - Protest And Survive
14 - The More I See (Extended Version)
15 - Ignorance
16 - No Compromise
17 - Ignorance (Extended Version) 

Self-Titled (Discharge)


01 - You Deserve Me
02 - Almost Alive
03 - Corpse Of Decadence
04 - Trustem
05 - M.A.D
06 - Accessories By Molotov
07 - Into Darkness
08 - Hype Overload
09 - You
10 - What Do I Get
11 - Well Is War
12 - Accessories By Molatov Remix
13 - Corpse Of Decadence Remix

Punk And Destroy


01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairlytale
07 - Allways Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating This System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Decontrpl
11 - It's No TV Sketch
12 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
13 - Never Again
14 - Death Dealers
15 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
16 - State Violence State Control
17 - Dooms Day


War Is Hell


01 - War Is Hell
02 - State Violence, State Control
03 - You Deserve Me
04 - Never Again
05 - The More I See
06 - Hype Overload
07 - Corpse Of Decadence
08 - M.A.D.
09 - You Take Part In Creating The System
10 - Nightmare Continues (Live)
11 - Hell On Earth (Live)
12 - Realities Of War (Live)
13 - Doomsday (Live)
14 - Beginning Of The End
15 - Blood Of The Innocent
16 - Suburbian Dreams
17 - Pigs
18 - No Futre USA
19 - Pause


Disensitise: (VB) Deny - Remove – Destroy


01 - Blood Of The Innocent
02 - CCTV
03 - What Method What Madness
04 - They Lie You Die
05 - Becomes Again & Again
06 - Spoils Of War
07 - Persuasion = Power
08 - Web Of Disadvantage
09 - Ignorance Your Surrender
10 - Kept In The Dark
11 - You Have The Gun
12 - Will Deceive You
13 - Beginning Of The End
14 - No Return
15 - Legacy You Left Behind
16 - Propaganda Feeds

Early Demo's (March-June 1977)


01 - I Don't Care
02 - Sweet Suburban Dreams
03 - Living In The City
04 - Acne
05 - I Love Dead Babies
06 - Pigs
07 - Under My Feet
08 - No Time For Romance
09 - Theres No Future USA
10 - Acne
11 - Pigs
12 - Do Or Die
13 - Pause


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